2 8 t h A n n u a l F i r e D e p a r t m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n C o n f e r e n c e
June 6th - 8th 2025, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Welcome Delegates
If this is going to be your first time to FDIC Atlantic we would like to welcome you to this premiere Atlantic Canadian first Responder training weekend here in the Beautiful Annapolis Valley. We know you will love this awesome atmosphere as you learn, network and share knowledge among peers from all over Atlantic Canada and Beyond. Many returning delegates can attest to leaving our conference fired up and ready to share the knowledge gained from this conference back home. We hope you leave here with knowledge, skills and new friends.
If you are returning, thank you for your continued support of the FDIC Atlantic Conference. We know how much this means to you by your intent to return. We hope that our instructor line Up will leave you as fired up and with even more knowledge than it did last year and look forward to catching up with you when you arrive
FDIC Atlantic Campus Courtesy
We want every delegate to the FDIC Atlantic Conference to enjoy their Stay on Campus. Please keep the following rules in mind so that disruptions to a pleasant and productive weekend are kept at a minimum
Acadia University and FDIC Atlantic wish to provide and maintain a learning and relaxing environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment and personal harassment of any type. these behaviors are demeaning, disrespectful and and degrading and absolutely will not be tolerated. please think before you act
Parking is restricted to designated area for the duration for the conference. Please use the spaces in the dorm areas or parking lot beside Wheelock Hall
Do not park on the grass
The United Church parking lot beside the Beverage Arts Center is only available for short term parking during registration on Friday Night only. Parking is not permitted on Saturday on Sunday
If you park at a meter, Feed it! Campus Security will enforce meter parking fees.
Quiet Time Begins at Midnight
If you are outside after midnight please keep conversions to a normal level as to not disturb those trying to rest. Remember voices tend to carry at night.
If you are socializing in the dorm rooms please respect your neighbors, keep conversations, music and laughter to a respectful level to avoid a visit from security
Security will be stationed to each residence to ensure quiet time is adhered to
If you have a complaint please call Security at (902) 585-1103 or 88 from any Campus Phone
Alcoholic Beverages in bottles or cans are not permitted outside the dorms and will be confiscated by Campus Security
Do not Litter!, This is a beautiful campus and we want FDIC Atlantic Delegates to keep it that way. Please use the recycle bins and trash cans through the campus
Acadia is a SMOKE FREE Campus. If you must smoke please do it off-campus and dispose of your smoking materials safely. Any bills from Acadia University for decontaminating your room due to smoking in the dorm rooms will be charged to your fire department
We know you are not rowdy, but damage can occur. You are not charged a damage deposit BUT, any damage to you room will be billed to your department
When damage charges are sent to a department future delegate registrations from that department will not be accepted until the damage costs are resolved.
Please report any damage you may find to the FDIC Atlantic Office in the Beverage Arts Center (Room 235) or to Security Staff at 902-585-1103 or 88 from an campus phone